Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Where good film takes flight!"

Coming soon, "The Movie Show" will have it's very own silk-screen t-shirt. Here's a general idea of what it will look like:

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Entitled, "Where good film takes flight!", the t-shirt was designed by master silk-screen artist Caroline Clark. I met Caroline at a local festival in Greensboro. My wife bought one of her beautiful t-shirt designs, and I was so impressed by her work, that I just knew I had to get her to design a t-shirt for the show.

You would never believe how many hoops I had to clear in order to get Caroline on this assignment. She's very busy, and I almost lost her for good when I missed the first meeting we scheduled a month ago.

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Hopefully you agree when I say that Caroline was worth both the trouble and expense. The bottom of the shirt features this towering, oppressive force I call 'film spores' - they represent all the bad-to-neutral films Mike and I must endure for the program.

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But rising safely above the film spores is this cute little bird, made out of a film reel with wings and a beak. He basically represents those really good movies, or 'pluses', that are the reason Mike and I do hours of prep for our show each week. The bird might become "The Movie Show" mascot, believe it or not. I was thinking about calling him 'Muuvee'. What do you guys think?

Anyway, stay tuned for info on how to order these shirts. Guess that means I need to start up a Pay Pal account.


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