Thursday, March 06, 2008

Most of these new Watchmen photos...

...are looking pretty good.

(Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian)

(Patrick Wilson as Batma- er Night Owl)

(Mathrew Goode as Ozymandias)

(Jackie Earl Haley as Rorschach)

(Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre II)

Am little bummed that we didn't get to see Billy Crudup's Dr. Manhattan.

Also, Ozymandias' photo is cast a little too dark. He's supposed to be this bright and promising hero who wants all of mankind to unlock their hidden potential. Kinda like Tom Cruise, and neither he nor Ozymandias would approve of such a dark photo.

I'm really not that worried about how this film is going to look. If nothing else, Snyder is a pop art visualist. It's the script, the overarching themes from Alan Moore's book, and I guess we won't know how those play out until the movie comes out a year from today.


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