Monday, December 25, 2006

Top 10 Part 3/6!

Merry Christmas all! Did you think that my parade of Top Ten-ness would stop due to a national holiday?

Well, I am back on this fine Christmas morning (actually, it's kinda lousy with rain) to give you my number eight. Did you guess what it was? Let's see:

8)The Fountain – In his second appearance on this list, Hugh Jackman plays a scientist, a conquistador, and a space traveler in a story that spans over 1000 years. ‘The Fountain’ explores man’s futile attempt to destroy death, and the formerly MIA director Darren Aronofsky deserves kudos for telling what could have been a three-hour story in less than 90 minutes.

Bonus Note: This is actually one of the few films I saw twice in theaters - it was that good. I also liked how Aronofsky stopped trying to wow audiences with MTV-editing tricks and photography, and merely looked for the right shots to tell his story efficiently.

I got to go take care of this Turkey, but tune in for tomorrow's thrilling installment, 'Number 7' or 'One of Entertainment Weekly's 5 Worst Movies of the Year'.


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