Friday, September 07, 2007

The awesomeness of yesterday's show was brought to you by the letters J, R, and L.

J and R, because guest Jeri Rowe was awesome. He came to discuss this really neat article he wrote on O.G. movie geek Milo Holt, and then some. He shared some additional information on the piece he did, and then stuck around for the rest of the show, sharing insights on Kevin Bacon during my Death Sentence review, Iron Man, and Ratatouille. Occasionally, our guests behave like deer-in-the-headlights, while sitting in front of the microphone. Thankfully, that wasn't the case last night.

As for the L, that particular letter goes out to a listener named 'Liz' for calling at the tail end of our show and giving us props. Still can't get over the fact she called us 'mature.' Liz, if you're reading this, thanks for calling, and more importantly, thanks for listening.

Will have a podcast of yesterday's show as soon as my new computer arrives.


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