Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Those who know me personally understand that I don't do Tuesdays.

What I mean by that is if you're trying to meet up with me, schedule an appointment, or hang out, you're better off trying any other day but Tuesdays. Reason being is that on that day, I am always hard at work on The Movie Show.

Faced with the prospect of Election Day, which always takes place on a Tuesday, I tried to cast an early ballot ahead of time at one of the many polling locations readily available across Greensboro. However, because of a tight work schedule, plus the fact early voting seemed to be all the rage this year (thus creating insanely huge lines), I found myself faced with a serious choice this week: If I was going to vote, I would have to do it on Tuesday.

So that's what I did. I woke up at 4:15 a.m., got to work on today's program so I didn't miss any time, got dressed, and made it out to the polls at 5:40 a.m. I was the second person in line. The doors were not opened yet, but luckily, I had brought along a lawn-chair and my laptop so I could continue working on tonight's show.

Here's a pic of me typing away about a potential remake to Conquest of the Planet of the Apes:


It started to drizzle, hence the troubled expression on my face, but the pollsters soon let us move inside around the 6:15 mark. By that time, I had started revising my take on the brilliant Anne Hathaway film Rachel Getting Married:


Oddly enough, I finished most of my radio program work before they even opened up the polls. I was second in line, so before you knew it, I had voted on what is consistently the busiest day of my work week. And if I can take the time needed to vote on a Tuesday, you can too. No excuses folks. I don't care who you're pulling for, if you haven't done so already, get out and vote.


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