Monday, September 10, 2007

The title for the next Indiana Jones could be....


AICN broke the story about the title of the new title. Shia LaBeouf, who will supposedly play Jones' son in the film, had apparently announced the title during the VMA's. Then it was later confirmed by the official Indiana Jones website.

What do you guys think of the title? Me, I am not so big on it. Too many syllables.

Here's the rundown:

Raiders of the Lost Ark has 6 syllables (I refuse to call it by the revisionist Indiana Jones and the... non-sense that Lucas slapped on all the DVD and VHS boxes a few years back).

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom has 11 syllables.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade has 10 syllables.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has 14.

AICN also reports that the title confirms Lucas & co. will be borrowing major plot points from the Frank Darabont script that Lucas rejected ever so publicly. What's funny is that Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg both enjoyed the Darabont screenplay a great deal. Maybe they managed to talk some sense into the flanneled one.

As of right now, there is nothing about this film that inspires more than ambivalence in me. Maybe that will change when I see a poster or actual footage from the film.


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