Sunday, April 09, 2006

This is the first official post for The Movie Show on WUAG 103.1 - Greensboro.

Joe Scott writes:

Here's a little background information on the show:

I created The Movie Show in the summer of 2004. I met with Jack Bonney, the executive director for WUAG with the following pitch:
1) We will play songs from movies (i.e. not instrumental scores).
2) We will discuss genuine movie news (i.e. not gossip on the lives of actors and actresses) for upcoming films .
3) Review new theatrical and video releases on the air.

Jack especially liked the first part, and gave me the hangover slot on Sunday morning (7-10am). The show was awkward when I did it solo. First of all, it was hard to have a one-man on-air discussion on film. I tried it, stumbled on my words, and never knew what to say. I also had (and sometimes still have) difficulty working the more complex equipment in the studio.

Fortunately Jack gave me a better time slot in the fall and let me have a co-host. Who was my first and only choice to host the show? Gu (Mike Gulick), a guy I didn't exactly know to well. Gu was a great co-host in that he had better taste in music that me (my soundtrack collection specials in the particularly cheesey, while Gu had a lot of movie music by artists who were relevant to the station listeners). He was also ready to dissagree with me on several important issues - he is neither a fan of Fight Club or Spiderman 2, and while I will never understand why, I respect him for sticking to his guns.

Highlights of The Movie Show with Joe and Gu include:
-Overplaying The Promise by When in Rome and AM 180 by Grandaddy.
-Interviewing Jon Gries (aka Uncle Rico) on the air.
-Giving away candy to our listeners on the air.
-Seeing tons of movies at the Carmike Cinemas for free.

I put The Movie Show on hiatus in the Spring of '05 when I was hired to be the news director at WUAG. I created a community-based talk show, and had a great time hosting it, however, I soon became keenly aware that something was missing. Then when I interviewed a student film maker on the air, and our conversation veered from from the UNCG film he made to the movies running in this year's best picture category at the Academy Awards, I realized how much I missed talking about movies on the radio. Fortunately, a collegue of mine was eager and ready to take my place on the community show and The Movie Show was back again. With Gu prone to work the occasional Thursday Night at Video Review on Battleground, I decided it would be best to get a whole team of co-hosts.

Enter Mike Compton and Steve Bradley. Our show currently airs Thursday Nights from 7-9 pm, and our talk-to-music ratio tilts more to the talk side than it ever did before. We have been running the show as it is for two whole weeks now, and it is my dream to continue the movie show wherever I end up after I graduate (even if that means I have to learn how to make podcasts).